Wednesday, June 4, 2008


这个题目放下吧! 是我对自己的交代,是身为校友的我,要自己在这重复的历史上(2002-2007)放下乐团,不要再担心,不要再思考了。做个结论,是根据这年来重我懂事开始写下的结论,是所有人包括我自己都犯过的错,没有针对性,更不会和现任的新人特别是集训营筹委有关系。所以请大家不要胡思乱想。有何冒犯,多多原谅。

有经验,不代表正确,因为主观让我们以为自己是对的。理直气壮地灌输,并不表示正确,因为我们不了解听众的立场,只是一个一味要别人体谅和了解自己的人。有职位,不代表有实力,因为没有评分实力的标准。我们争执,我们反抗,我们解释,我们澄清,请问,你怎么断定一个人的办事能力?你和他合作过了吗?实力的高低,用什么来衡量,原来争执了那么多,到最后或许真的是靠关系,靠人缘。 难道我们敢说不是吗?老师和主席可以怎么了解筹委的实力?有哪个领导人认真地对待检讨会议,不拖延地把握时间开会,认真的分析所有的报告(过去和现在 的),没有真正相处和合作过,为何我们可以那么确定别人,为何我们可以那么快就反抗那靠关系的批评?领导人的私事是理所当然的理由,其他人的理由永远只是 借口。这是所谓的公平和理智吗?责怪别人的时候,我们是否有想想自己是否尽责了呢?


领 导人憎恨更改自己的决定,因为我们认为付出的不应该被白费。 这时候,我们筹备了的工作比任何事都来得重要要,但都是自己惹来的祸,因为我们没有详细计划所有的立场。流程是主席订的?还是筹委会订的?我想,每个活动 里都至少都会有学术的领导人在,是否有认真地为技术思考了再设订流程呢?还是一味的想办法推行自己的主题呢?

有 职位,说话大声,有经验,有人缘,并不代表什么,只会是一个不被服从的塑像。说过不算话,参与者的批评换来的是原谅筹委无理的行为,原因只因为我们还是新 人,筹委得辛苦,那是我们新的尝试。难道新人就不需要尽责去接受现实,不需要去面对挫折?新人就有权利且理所当然地被包庇吗?这不是理由,因为现在不管是 新人还是旧人,做的都不过如此。眼泪,压力,宣泄,弩哄都成了领导人发泄的方式,请别在发泄后说对不起,因为你已经深深地伤害了别人,一次又一次的补救,有何意义,因为我们还是比较重视自己的情绪。佩服那些忍气吞声的人,因为他们有着包容之心和容忍之心,有谁会知道他们才是最体贴最董事的呢?大家要是认为不出声就是没有立场没有意见的话,那就错了,因为他们才是真正要避开纠纷的人。而不是我们这种错了后才道歉的行为,引起纠纷的其实是自己。一次又一次,一个犹豫,一个伤心,一个害怕,就可以把所有没有尽到的责任优美化地解释得一了百了。这是大家所谓的体谅吗?这样下去,还有什么进度是可言?还有什么进步可言?难道我们不曾发现同样的问题不停地重复着吗?我们是否该改变了呢?

口口声声说的“服从,守时,负责任”请问多少个在台上强调的领导人做到了?还是对团员是怎么要求,对自己却随时都有理由去不遵从?有多少个领导人真的督促了自己筹委的进度?还是一次又一次因为各种理所当然的原因一再拖延? 明知到会有这种理所当然的原因为何不提早预防呢?有多少个领导人真的亲自亲为地爱护乐团了?我们主动开心地搬动过大型的乐器吗?还是我们只用眼睛和嘴巴去 指挥,并认为自己不能搬呢?我们认真地拖过乐室的地板吗?爱乐团,可是那么的简单。我们还记得一个小小的筹委是该怎么当的吗?我们还记得一个新生不参与的 感觉和原因吗?还是我们只是一个只懂得吩咐却不懂得实行,不会带动和跟上进度的领导人?我们真的爱乐团吗?大家会有负面的情绪,对,我们说了很多爱乐团的 话,但乐团需要你更实际的方法去爱它。一年又一年,一次又一次重演的历史,什么时候才能不才重复这情节。是我们的态度磨灭了太多其他人的热诚和意见。


多希望,我不再留意 ;多希望,我不再担心。




Kien Huat said...


Jinn said...

小芬, 别气~我们会让乐团回来的!

Anonymous said...

arjinn ah, haiyo haiyo, i din gerem neh!=) y u spoil ur hp again ah?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

没事啦,no worry.

EmPeRor SalAdIna said...

Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, its not that i DONT agree with what you said. Yes, i do agree that we have the same problems. Yes, i agree that there are too many flaws inside.

But than, i believe that, if we all go on talking and writing of this things, its a bit adding more problems into things that are already sophisticated...

We are just students. Yes, training to be a leader. But than, i believe that it is near impossible to let someone to be that efficient and that good. Surely we will slip. And only through slipping we will learn. In the past, people slipped. In the future, history will definitely repeat itself. Its a fact, and we can only cut down to the lowest. All that is said, is quite a tall order. It seems to me that, problems of the past is haunting us again.

Thats why i wish to propose, a new way. I believe it is time for us to change practically everything, every way of the society`s workings. I believe in a revolution. A revolution of mindset, of thinking. Its time we change. The problems can be put into question, but let it be a reminder. Don`t allow the problems to weigh us down during any time we become leader. Read it, learn it, that`s it. Don`t keep thinking about the thing. It`ll hinder us badly.

All i say is my thoughts for these few days. Times have changed. It`s time we change......

Anonymous said...

i do believe in revolution. be tough and strict to the basis needs(the basis responsibility and preparation of jobs) but be creative in solving prob n creating ideas.

next come to ur singapore jiao liu hui neh, gambateh =) i believe in ur ability!! don't juz focus on committee stuff but also take care and encourage performers to improve their skill...

waiting for ur jiao liu hui^^~

Anonymous said...

present committee.. whenvr u r preparing any events.. pls read the past reports tat our fellows ex secretary had made.. why v wan to hav 'jian tao' report?
is to minimise the problem tat v might b facing.. every yr the event is the same only the people who organise it r different.. so wat is the problem??? try to think...
when things happen.. problem occur.. v should not blame anyone.. but v solve it together.. rite?? tat's teamwork everyone..TEAM!!
dun feel hurt.. why u wanna b sad over words tat cannot touch u physically?? will u die after listening?? no...
it jus depends on how u wanna treat the words... why dont u guys take it as a challenge instead of insult?? even if wat she said is not right..PROVE IT!!!!
dun argue..
the same problem is repeating every yrss... whether or not it's serious.. deal wif it together..
be responsible.. hold ur post wif confidence n wif full resonsibility..if u can't .. pls giv it to somebody else..
dun blame pls//...
And i think someone say revoluntion...
every yr things change rite?? system change rite?? people change rite?? but one thing tat cannot change is our yue tuan principle..
if everyone follows.. i dun c any BIG problem tat can hinder our yue tuan development.. right??
not everyone is perfect.. not every one can lead.. but if everyone jus b responsible 4 wat they do .. giv a little bit or respect i do believe nothing is impossible..
THINK.. dun say anything.. jus think...
agree or not .. tat's up to u.. different people hav different view but as long as v learned..
cheers ...
i still believe in everyone.. jus step back n think.. i know they can do it..
good luck in ur upcoming events!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

China just called. They want their wall back.