突然想念起移民到纽西兰的他..... 这些是可以联络到他的东东哦.....
地址:50,Greenpark Road, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.
记得在2月3日,那天送他机的时候, 有一个大男生(大家都知道是谁吧?!),打电话给猪,哭着说: 我要去送振竤啊T.T 可是我没有交通.... 你们一定要等我.....T.T .... 哈哈.... 对不起, 我很坏,又在笑人了 =P 哈哈... 我们买了一盒底库和一件有马来西亚标志的衣服给他呢... 不知道他有没有用到呢??? 真的很怀念装可爱的他..... 有空一定要和他玩webcam..... 其实那天kky 做了一件非常极度搞笑的事哦..... !! " 与XX共勉之"...... 哈哈....
地址:50,Greenpark Road, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.
记得在2月3日,那天送他机的时候, 有一个大男生(大家都知道是谁吧?!),打电话给猪,哭着说: 我要去送振竤啊T.T 可是我没有交通.... 你们一定要等我.....T.T .... 哈哈.... 对不起, 我很坏,又在笑人了 =P 哈哈... 我们买了一盒底库和一件有马来西亚标志的衣服给他呢... 不知道他有没有用到呢??? 真的很怀念装可爱的他..... 有空一定要和他玩webcam..... 其实那天kky 做了一件非常极度搞笑的事哦..... !! " 与XX共勉之"...... 哈哈....

i miss him alot
reali sad tat kenot "song ji"
tat day , i cried at home lorh..
tat wau czeer said : u kenot go arh ? den u dun cry wor..." actuali tat time i adi cried .
aikss...hw r him lately leh ?
miss those memory wf him lorh..he quite funny
during camp , alwaz do such gay thg wf chen hui..
tat time feel geli..now..
miss .
haha...dat day i chat wif him on msn ma...he said he got wear de "malaysia" tshirt we bought for him leh....wahaha....chinyifen...u seems like veli enjoy bocor rahsia orang bo....nex time i will bocor u punya..haha...zhen hong dat guy onli miss one gal onli u all know is hu de la...so we dont miss him...:p
ana ana.. i din say anythin bout ur rahsia lol..wakaka.. kekekky no nid so scared... u see his msn name also know la... haiz.. i think he really loves her so much..
yaya.. he got wear loh, i saw it in the webcam.. hehe
yalor yalor
he reali so luv her..
he phoned her leh...although he in newzealand..
walao~ the power of love
1st time reply at skul...^^
yaa...very miss him...miss of tat time we play 2gether...we eat 2gether...we 38 2gehter...but
sometime on9 with him...he still so 38...^^
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