hello jeff...actuallu would u mind introduce urself??we all quite curious about ur identity... wahaha...anyway nice 2 meet u here la...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
地址:50,Greenpark Road, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.
记得在2月3日,那天送他机的时候, 有一个大男生(大家都知道是谁吧?!),打电话给猪,哭着说: 我要去送振竤啊T.T 可是我没有交通.... 你们一定要等我.....T.T .... 哈哈.... 对不起, 我很坏,又在笑人了 =P 哈哈... 我们买了一盒底库和一件有马来西亚标志的衣服给他呢... 不知道他有没有用到呢??? 真的很怀念装可爱的他..... 有空一定要和他玩webcam..... 其实那天kky 做了一件非常极度搞笑的事哦..... !! " 与XX共勉之"...... 哈哈....

决赛: 20/12/2008
很想参加哦!! 只是担心年尾college在考试...
Tak tau nak tulis apa...
haiz....saya pun tak tau nak tulis apa leh...tadi itu chin yi fen kata selepas dia tengok sia punya post dia rasa sendiri punya english macam berak..pada hakikinya saya punya english juga macam berak....jadi chin yifen pun rasa kagum kpd sia kerana dapat tulis blog dalam english dgn begitu lancar..oleh itu dia pun "paksa" sendiri guna english tulis blog lo....selepas itu....dia pun suruh saya datang sini tulis sikit wo...dan suruh saya tulis dalam bhs melayu...jadi saya pun "pei4 he2" dia lo....aiyo....saya pasti kamu semua mesti saya takutkan kerana sudah larut malam..arh..bukan...sebenarnya larut pagi masih belum tidur tapi sebaliknya tulis blog di sini...saya pun tak ingin de....belakangan ini saya punya "routine" sudah terbalik..saya tidur pada pukul 6am dan bangun pada pukul 7pm...hal ini demikian kerana saya memang tak ada disiplin..tak boleh "control"...jadi saya kena tunggu march pergi buat kerja baru boleh menjadi "normal"...nak taukah apa kerja saya?mungkin jadi guru sementara, mungkin jadi "promoter"..kalau jadi guru sementara saya akan mengajar di sekolah rendah lo...kalau jadi promoter saya akan promote "kotex"(saya pasti lelaki tak tau apa tu lah tapi saya boleh jelas di sini iaitu kapas yang digunakan oleh perempuan setiap bulan...sudah jelas kan??)selanjutnya..kehidupan saya memang bosan sikit la...setiap hari makan tidur dan melayari laman web....saya juga tak nak kehidupan macam ni....jadi saya nak buat kerja pada march...saya kena tunggu may baru belajar leh.....saya sudah dapat p lisen pada december tahun lepas tapi saya belum pernah memandu...kenapa??takut lo...takut apa??tak tau oo...saya dengar desas-desus bahawa spm punya keputusan akan dikeluarkan hari ini atau besok...benarkah??kenapa surat khabar tak ada berita pun??haiz...kaki saya sudah terseliuh 7 bulan tapi masih belum sembuh...saya pun tak tau nak macam mana..walaupun boleh jalan tapi sakit....sekian sahaja...hari ini tidur "awal" sikit...selamat malam ....bukan....selamat pagi!!
Wat are u guys doing these days??
heyhey.. me again.. i am now using my account to post sth here..coz i feel so strange when i see " posted by O-rain'chco" under my post... tat's not my name~~ haha.. well, anyone who wants to edit the blog, u can juz get the username n password from me....
after the concert, i am totally free!!~ but then it brings me to a stupid , bored n decadent life... during the time we were rushing for the concert... i went to school since morning then waited in yue shi lonely(sometimes jian fa n karyi or yongxin also there) till 3.10pm to he zou with them... perhaps, i did many things during tat waiting time neh, i could practise yang qin and drums... but now , i am juz a lazy gal vegging out at home everyday( xinying, i did wat u dont wish to)...
actually i found a job, in jusco selatan... a shop named bee's bakery... i was so happy n cant wait to be the worker there.....the boss asked me to memorise all the name of the breads to check out the stocks by following the delivery order....wat a stupid gal hoping for a job so much n finally she did it!!HAIZ!! juz after the first day i finished my first job, my dad did not agree me to go anymore... so , i was forced to put a big aeroplane~~ haiz... how irresponsibility i am..... mom asks me to stay at home everyday, finish all the chores b4 she comes back from office.. lol... repeating all these things everyday..... haiz.... chin yi fen.... i really hope to start my college now...T.T
oh no! besides doing housework, i am attending for english course ya~ yea, i like it, better than stay at home... its the 2nd time i try blogging in english... i muz force myself to do so... college life, all english!!~~ no point to escape, muz gambateh now...... especially in communicative speaking n listening skill....
aikss , i am still me... slip lately =.=... i am not wondering tat i have insomnia... i juz enjoy having my time during midnight... FREE N RELAX...
nite nite my fren.... 2.59am
[A friend in need is a friend indeed]
p/s : for those still in chong hwa~ gambateh in the test tomorrow!!!....
snowley life ----->> xiao fen^^
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
long-winded post
haiyo haiyo!!! Hello buddies!! How are you all doing recently? Hope everything is going on smoothly=) Well i'm currently still working in the insurance company, which brings me lots of lessons of life. Hehe, but i'm gonna resign in the end of march, shall consider seeking for another job.One day later you might find me working in a shopping mall as sales assistant or even being a teacher in kindergarten? Or vegging out at home? (which i don't wish to)You gonna check it out soon =p
Miss chong hwa, particularly chco badly =( could still remember vividly moments that we had laughter, had meeting seriously, or burst into tears.. Duh! How memorable, how sweet =) Perhaps lots of us have heard our seniors say friends in high school are always the best and we often don't take note of it. But once you graduate, involving yourself in this complex society, you start missing those days everyone being pure and innocent like a little baby.
Aww.. I truly miss you guys. There's hardly a chance we can be commitees together, sort out ideas, rushing for meeting minutes or report until midnight,worry about this and that all the time.. Aww.. giving each other a call to vent out various feelings, having fun during activities.. There were tough times, but once you look back and reminisce, those memories seem to be so unforgettable. Everlasting i hope :)
Imagine you have been in a place / society for 5 or 6 years. dripping tears, sharing laughter, gaining the best friends, .. how could the love fade easily?
Cherish what you have.
p/s: ok i'm getting long-winded again =.=
p/s 2 : happy birthday fei yan!!
Happy Birthday ^^
hey~ all CHCO guys..
i'm coming back...^^
sorry for lately post something...bcos quite busy this week...but also hav to take some time to post up...n chat with my dear frens...^^
yeah yeah...we can meet again on 22rd of march jor...got performance rite...wakaka...
taiwan erhhh...our love songs...i like it very much tis song...thn we can go out eat again...n chat again...blow water blow water....now cannot blow water everyday...long time blow once.... so must blow n blow long long tat day...^^
yaa...can c our new tuan yuan some more...they r very cute...i can remember...tat day ying xin hui....a lot of new tua yuan i also dunno them...
miss CHCO~
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
During rehearsal~
To be continue.... please visit... http://picasaweb.google.com/orainchco/LongTengConcertRehearsal